Monday, February 16, 2009

Recession Rumblings

Well, the second post has come around faster than I expected. This could turn into somewhat of an addiction.

Here in Australia, the GFC (Global Financial Crisis as our PM likes to call it), or the AFF (American Financial Fiasco / F***up), has made everyone very nervous. Consulting is risky at the best of times, and now we are all worried. Appraisals got moved up by a couple of weeks, and it’s a good bet this means that people will be slightly more aggressively “counseled on” than is the norm. I think I am ok – my billability is up high, I haven’t screwed up lately and I am not being appraised until October, but still I have this kernel of concern. To paraphrase a recent BSG episode title, "disquiet follows my soul".

I have the benefit of working in a strong cohort (people at or near the same level as me).  I really don’t want to see it broken up, but I also don’t see any way out of it for the partners. Ah well, we are apparently getting the scoop on it in a few days – I will let you know how it goes.

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